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StormWall Review


StormWall Key Features: What makes StormWall Best?

Best DDoS protection for websites

Anti-DDoS hosting

BGP network Protecting

DDoS protected VDS/VPS hosting

Explore StormWall Services & Plans

StormWall offers the following Services and Plans:

VPS Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM Price
VDS1Linux 40 GB2 Core2 GB₽ 10640.00/month
VDS2Linux60 GB4 Core8 GB₽13,910.00/month
VDS3Linux80 GB6 Core16 GB₽ 17,780.00/month
VDS4Linux120 GB8 Core24 GB₽ 22,220.00/month
Visit StormWall VPS Hosting (Discount Link)

DDoS protection for websites (proxy)

PersonalBusiness ONE
₽ 6800.00/month₽ 21,250.00/month

1 Domain
10 Subdomains
25 Mbps Included legitimate bandwidth
3 hours    Max support reaction time    
98% Guaranteed availability (SLA), not less than
Secure DNS
HyperCache CDN and site load optimization
HTTPS support

1 Domain
upto 100 Subdomains
50 Mbps Included legitimate bandwidth
30 Mins  Max support reaction time    
99.2 % Guaranteed availability (SLA), not less than
Secure DNS
HyperCache CDN and site load optimization
HTTPS support
Websocket support
Load balancing

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