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SmartHost Review

From : $2.95 per month

SmartHost Key Features: What makes SmartHost Best?

24/7 support & monitoring

99.9% Uptime

Affordable Linux & Windows VPS Plans

Includes SolusVM Control Panel

Explore SmartHost Services & Plans

VPS Hosting

Plan Name OS Space RAM Price
NVME SSDLinux10 GB1 GB$2.95/month
NVME SSD - RyzenLinux10 GB1 GB$3.95/month
VPS - KVM - Linux - StorageLinux1 TB1 GB$6.95/month
Windows - NVME SSDWindows20 GB1 GB$7.95/month
Visit SmartHost VPS Hosting (Discount Link)

Dedicated Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM CorePrice
Intel Xeon E3-1270 4-CoreLinux1 TBIntel Xeon E3-127016 GB4 Cores$69.95/month
Intel Xeon E3-1270 4-Core - 10GLinux480 GBIntel Xeon E3-127016 GB4 Cores$119.95/month
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2670 8-CoreLinux480 GB Dual Intel Xeon E5-2670128 GB8 Cores$149.95/month
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2670 8-CoreLinux480 GBDual Intel Xeon E5-2670128 GB8 Cores$279.95/month
Visit SmartHost Dedicated Hosting (Discount Link)

Cloud Hosting

Plan Name OS Space RAM BandWidthPrice
CLOUD KVM NVME SSDLinux10 GB1 GB1 TB$4.95/month
Cloud OpenVZ SSD/SASLinux10 GB1 GB1 TB$6.95/month
Cloud KVM WindowsWindows20 GB1 GB1 TB$9.95/month
Visit SmartHost Cloud Hosting (Discount Link)

Domain Name Pricing

Domain Registration

  • .name $19.95/yr
  • .uk $19.95/yr
  • .us $19.95/yr

Domain Renewal

  • .name $19.95/yr
  • .uk $19.95/yr
  • .us $19.95/yr
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