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OnlySSL Review

From : ₹259.00 per month

OnlySSL Key Features: What makes OnlySSL Best?

Easy 1-click-installer

Superfast Websites

Website Migrations

24/7/365 Monitoring

Remote Daily Backups

Redundant DNS

Best SSL License provider

Explore OnlySSL Services & Plans

Shared Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel Price
BRONZELinux300 MB10 GBCPANEL₹ 259.00/year
SILVERLinux2.5 GB30 GBCPANEL₹ 699.00/year
GOLDLinux6 GB50 GBCPANEL₹ 1199.00/year
UNLIMITEDLinuxUnlimitedUnlimitedCPANEL₹ 1999.00/year
Windows 1Windows250 MB 120 GBPlesk₹ 1200/year
Visit OnlySSL Shared Hosting (Discount Link)

Cloud Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM BandWidthPrice
BASICLinuxUnlimited2 CPU2 GBUnlimited₹ 999/month
PROFESSIONALLinuxUnlimited4 CPU4 GBUnlimited₹ 1299/month
BUSINESSLinuxUnlimited6 CPU6 GBUnlimited₹ 1599/month
Visit OnlySSL Cloud Hosting (Discount Link)

VPS Hosting

Plan Name OS Space RAM CorePrice
Virtual 1Linux20 GB2 GB2 Cores₹1999/month
Virtual 2Linux40 GB4 GB4 Cores₹2500/month
Virtual 4Linux120 GB8 GB8 Cores₹5999/month
Visit OnlySSL VPS Hosting (Discount Link)

Resellers Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel No. of SitesPrice
Plan 1Linux10 GB200 GBCPANEL20₹4599/year
Plan 3Linux20 GB500 GBCPANEL50₹18499/year
Visit OnlySSL Resellers Hosting (Discount Link)

Domain Name Pricing

Domain Registration

  • .Com ₹849/yr
  • .in ₹649/yr
  • .net ₹780/yr

Domain Renewal

  • .Com ₹910/yr
  • .in ₹849/yr
  • .net ₹910/yr
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