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Mewnix Review


Mewnix Key Features: What makes Mewnix Best?

24/7 Supports

Affordable Hosting

99% server uptime

30 Day Moneyback

Free Daily backups

Explore Mewnix Services & Plans

Mewnix offers the following Services and Plans:

Shared Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel No. of SitesPrice
StarterLinux10 GBUnlimited CPANEL1$0.70/month
AdvanceLinux30 GBUnlimitedCPANEL3$1.40/month
BusinessLinux50 GBUnlimited CPANEL6$2.10/month
Worpress LiteLinux10 GBUnlimited CPANEL1$1.70/month
Visit Mewnix Shared Hosting (Discount Link)

VPS Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM Price
EarthLinux250 GB2 Core4 GB$12.00/month
MarsLinux450 GB4 Core8 GB$16.00/month
JupitorLinux850 GB6 Cores16 GB$28.00/month
Visit Mewnix VPS Hosting (Discount Link)

Cloud Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM BandWidthPrice
PERSONALLinuxUnlimited2 Core2 GBUnlimited$ 3.70/month
SMALL TEAMLinuxUnlimited4 Core4 GBUnlimited$ 5.00/month
ENTERPRISELinuxUnlimited6 Cores6 GBUnlimited $7.00/month
Visit Mewnix Cloud Hosting (Discount Link)

Reseller Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel No. of SitesPrice
Reseller StandardLinux20 GBUnlimited CPANELUnlimited $3.30/month
Reseller PremiumLinux50 GBUnlimitedCPANELUnlimited$5.80/month
Reseller UltimateLinux100 GBUnlimitedCPANELUnlimited$9.60/month
Visit Mewnix Reseller Hosting (Discount Link)
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