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Impreza Review

From : $ 4.75 per month

Impreza Key Features: What makes Impreza Best?

Impreza -Best and Suitable Web Hosting Server

Offers Shared Hosting, VPS, Dedicated Server, Linux ,Windows Hosting, WordPress Hosting, Cloud Hosting,

Shared Hosting Starting Plan is $7.50/mo

Offers Easy 1-click-installer

Free SSL Certificate

Provides Shared Web Hosting with Free cPanel

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Explore Impreza Services & Plans

Impreza offers the following Services and Plans:

Shared Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Panel No. of SitesPrice
UNLIMITEDWindowsUnlimitedCPANEL1 $4.75/month
BUSINESWindowsUnlimited Disk SpaceCPANEL2$8.20/month
PROWindowsUnlimited Disk SpaceCPANEL5$11.95/month
USA -UnlimitedLinuxCPANELSingle$7.50/month
USA – BUSINESSLinuxUnlimitedCPANEL3 $11.67/month
USA – PROLinuxUnlimitedCPANELUnlimited$13.33/month
Visit Impreza Shared Hosting (Discount Link)

VPS Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM Price
VPS 1Linux20GB SSD2 vCPU2GB$17.00/month
VPS-2Linux30GB2 vCPU2GB $30.00/month
VPS-3Linux40GB SSD 2 vCPU4GB$31.00/month
VPS-4Linux80GB3 vCPU6GB RAM$55.00/month
Visit Impreza VPS Hosting (Discount Link)

Dedicated Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM Price
Dedicated Server 1Linux2 x 1TB HDDIntel Xeon E3-1240v5 3.9ghz x4 16GB RAM$100.00/month
Dedicated Server 2Linux2 x 256GB SSDIntel Xeon 1270v316GB RAM$100.00/month
Dedicated Server 3Linux2 x 512GB SSDIntel Xeon 1230v332GB DDR3$110.00/month
Dedicated Server IVLinux2 x 512GB SSDIntel Xeon 1270v332GB DDR3$120.00/month
Dedicated Server VLinux2 x 970GB NVMe SSDIntel Xeon 223664GB RAM DDR4$160.00/month
Visit Impreza Dedicated Hosting (Discount Link)

Reseller Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel No. of SitesPrice
Reseller Linux R1Linux40 GB Disk Space800 GBCPANELUnlimited$40.00/month
Reseller Linux R2Linux50 GB 1000 GBCPANELUnlimited $45.00/month
Reseller Windows R1Windows10 GB Space200 GB BandwidthCPANEL$26.40/month
Reseller Windows R2Linux25 GB Space500 GB BandwidthCPANEL$32.85/month
Visit Impreza Reseller Hosting (Discount Link)

Imprezahost is the only decentralized hosting company in the world. They provide OnShores and OffShores Services. They offer Linux and Windows Hosting, WordPress Hosting, Cloud Hosting, Reseller, VPS, and Dedicated Servers. They provide a Free SSL Certificate,  24/7 Support, a 99.9% Uptime Guarantee, etc
Visit the page and buy the best Web hosting Servers for a Low Price.

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