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GreatHoster Review

From : ₹79.00 per month

Explore GreatHoster Services & Plans

Shared Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel No. of SitesPrice
JUMPLinux5 GB250 GBCPANEL1₹79/month
GROWLinux20 GBUnlimitedCPANEL3₹199/month
BUSINESSLinux30 GBUnlimitedCPANEL5₹249/month
Visit GreatHoster Shared Hosting (Discount Link)

WordPress Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel No. of SitesPrice
SEEDLinux5 GB250 GBCPANEL1₹73/month
GROWLinux10 GB500 GBCPANEL3₹99/month
EXPANDLinux20 GBUnlimitedCPANEL5₹199/month
Visit GreatHoster WordPress Hosting (Discount Link)

VPS Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM CorePrice
VPS 1Linux160 GB4 CPU8 GB4 Cores₹2999/month
VPS 2Linux320 GB6 CPU16 GB6 Cores₹5999/month
VPS 3Linux640 GB8 CPU32 GB8 Cores₹10999/month
VPS 4Linux1280 GB16 CPU64 GB16 Core₹22999/month
Visit GreatHoster VPS Hosting (Discount Link)

Resellers Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel No. of SitesPrice
SeedLinux10 GB100 GBCPANEL10₹999/month
GrowLinux25 GB250 GBCPANEL25₹1599.00/month
ExpandLinux50 GB500 GBCPANEL50₹1999.00/month
Visit GreatHoster Resellers Hosting (Discount Link)

Dedicated Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM Price
OAKLinux500 GBIntel Dual Xeon L542016 GB₹3999/month
BANYANLinux1 TBIntel Dual Xeon L552048 GB₹5999/month
Visit GreatHoster Dedicated Hosting (Discount Link)
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