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GlowHost Review


GlowHost Key Features: What makes GlowHost Best?

Web hosting Packed With Features

Optional Auto-Install, Auto-Update

FREE Domain Registration

Privately Registered Domains

Free Private SSL Certificate

3x Redundant File Storage

Free SEO Tools

PHP, Python and Ruby Version Selector & more.

Explore GlowHost Services & Plans

Shared Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel No. of SitesPrice
SINGLE DOMAINLinuxUnlimitedUnlimited CPANEL1$3.47/month
MULTI-DOMAINLinuxUnlimitedUnlimited CPANELUnlimited$6.27/month
PROFESSIONAL Linux20 GB250 GBCPANELUnlimited$12.57/month
Visit GlowHost Shared Hosting (Discount Link)

VPS Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM Price
CLOUD VDS LITELinux20 GBDual Core Intel Xeon 1 GB$49.95/month
CLOUD VDS MEDIUMLinux40 GBQuad Core Intel Xeon 2 GB$99.95/month
CLOUD VDS HEAVYLinux60 GBHex Core Intel Xeon4 GB$149.95/month
Visit GlowHost VPS Hosting (Discount Link)

Resellers Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel No. of SitesPrice
LEVEL ILinux50 GB5 TBCPANEL25$24.95/month
LEVEL IILinux80 GB8 TBCPANEL40$39.95/month
LEVEL IIILinux130 GB13 TBCPANEL65$59.95/month
LEVEL VLinux300 GB30 TBCPANEL150$129.95/month
Visit GlowHost Resellers Hosting (Discount Link)

Dedicated Hosting

Plan Name OS Space RAM Price
INTEL XEONLinux1X480 GB32 GB$129/month
INTEL XEONLinux2X480 GB32 GB$199/month
DUAL INTEL XEONLinux2X960 GB128 GB$299/month
Visit GlowHost Dedicated Hosting (Discount Link)
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