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EzerHost Review


EzerHost is a comprehensive and dynamic web hosting company that was established in the year 2018 to deliver quality services round the clock at affordable prices. Our team have extensive experience and knowledge about the web hosting industry and are ready to set a dynamic tech revolution.

Ezerhost offers the cheapest web hosting services with advance high-performance high-end servers including shared hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS hosting, Cloud Hosting, Dedicated hosting., Business Email Solutions and much more.

EzerHost Key Features: What makes EzerHost Best?

Cheap VPS Hosting Provider in India

Web Hosting at just Rs.17/mo

Free SSL Certificate Included

BitNinja Secured Servers

24/7 Support

Explore EzerHost Services & Plans

Shared Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel No. of SitesPrice
BasicLinux1 GBUnlimitedPlesk1₹39.00/month
ProLinuxUnlimitedUnlimitedPlesk5₹ 75.00/month
Visit EzerHost Shared Hosting (Discount Link)

Resellers Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel No. of SitesPrice
RS BASICLinux25 GBUnlimitedPleskUnlimited₹179.00/month
RS PROLinux50 GBUnlimitedPleskUnlimited₹299.00/month
RS BUSINESSLinux100 GBUnlimitedPleskUnlimited₹459.00/month
Visit EzerHost Resellers Hosting (Discount Link)

WordPress Hosting

Plan Name OS Space Bandwidth Panel No. of SitesPrice
WP BASICLinux10 GBUnlimitedPlesk1₹ 45.00/month
WP PROLinux25 GBUnlimitedPlesk5₹69.00/month
WP BUSINESSLinux100 GBUnlimitedPlesk20₹ 819 /month
Visit EzerHost WordPress Hosting (Discount Link)

VPS Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM Price
NVMe 20Linux20 GB1 CPU1 GB₹299.00/month
NVMe 50Linux50 GB2 CPU2 GB₹549.00/month
NVMe 80Linux80 GB2 CPU4 GB₹799.00/month
WIN 20Windows25 GB1 CPU2 GB₹979.00/month
WIN 40Windows40 GB2 CPU4 GB₹1269.00/month
WIN 80Windows80 GB2 CPU8 GB₹2649.00/month
Visit EzerHost VPS Hosting (Discount Link)

Dedicated Hosting

Plan Name OS Space RAM Price
DSIN01Linux240 GB6 GB₹ 2999 .00/month
DSIN02Linux480 GB8 GB₹4999.00/month
DSIN03Linux240 GB16 GB₹6999.00/month
Visit EzerHost Dedicated Hosting (Discount Link)

Domain Name Pricing

Domain Registration

  • .com ₹999.00/yr
  • .xyz ₹399.00/yr
  • .net ₹1349.00/yr
  • .org ₹1329/yr

Domain Renewal

  • .com ₹999.00/yr
  • .xyz ₹399.00/yr
  • .net ₹1349.00/yr
  • .org ₹1329/yr

We provide comprehensive tools to our users throughout the world so anyone, novice or pro, can get on the web and thrive with our web hosting packages. The idea of EzerHost is to let people create a website for FREE with our free Website Builders, unlimited PHP, MySQL, Plesk Panel & no ads policy we've created a complete freedom online.

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