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DedicatedCore Review

From : $ 6.15 per month

DedicatedCore Key Features: What makes DedicatedCore Best?

DedicatedCore Offers VPS Reseller Hosting, VPS Hosting, and Dedicated Servers

VPS Hosting Plans as Low as $6.15/month

24/7 Customer Support Available

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Offers Weekly Backups for all Standard VPS Packages

DDoS Protection Available on Dedicated Servers

cPanel Control Panel on the Servers

Explore DedicatedCore Services & Plans

DedicatedCore offers the following Services and Plans:

VPS Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM Price
Standard VPSLinux20 GB1 x 2.40 GHz2048 MB$6.15/month
KVM LINUX VPSLinux20 GB1 x 2.60 GHz2048 MB$8.22/month
KVM WINDOWSWindows20 GB1 x 2.60 GHz2048 MB$12.33/month
Forex VPSLinux20 GB SSD1 GHz CPU2048 MB$10.76/month
Visit DedicatedCore VPS Hosting (Discount Link)

Dedicated Hosting

Plan Name OS Space CPU RAM CorePrice
VPS-LL16Linux400 GB SSD6 Core16 GB6$24.95/month
VDS-S-MLCLinux2000 GB HDD6 Core16 GB6$49.99/month
VPS-LL64Linux1600 GB SSD10 Core64 GB10$59.95/month
VDS-M-MLCLinux2×2000 GB HDD8 Core16 GB8$64.99/month
Visit DedicatedCore Dedicated Hosting (Discount Link)
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