Starting Price
$22.00 price/per month
Zapier is the best automation platform. Over 2.2 million companies globally already trust Zapier. It integrates instantly with over 7,000 various apps. Whether you are a team of 1 or 1000, Zapier puts the superpower of automation in your hands—no coding is required. Get started now at Zapier, build the most powerful workflows incredibly fast, and take your workflows to a great level with their suite of automation tools. Also, grab huge discounts and enjoy great savings!
Zapier connects to 7,000+ applications, more than any of the other automation tools. If you wish to connect your internal tools, you can create your own private integration with their user-friendly developer platform.
Zapier offers different built-in data tools in the Application Directory that assist you add conditional filters & path logic and format data.
When you create the new Zapier account, you are immediately enrolled in a 14-day free trial of the Zapier Professional plan. No credit card is required.
Zapier makes it very easy for you to move the data between your applications without being a developer. They may need you to locate the information for certain accounts, but they will guide you through any extra steps. Their support champions are also there to assist you via email should you want assistance.
At any time you can upgrade/downgrade. If you upgrade, the change happens instantly, and you will only pay an adjusted amount for the rest of the billing cycle. If you select to downgrade, it will take effect at the end of the billing cycle.
Zapier offers Workflow Automation Plans at a low price. Here, the Free plan is best for basic use, the Professional plan is ideal for individuals, and the Team plan is perfect for teams.
Free | Professional | Team | |||||||
$0.00/month | $19.99/month | $69.00/month | |||||||
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Zapier offers Tables Plans at an affordable price. The Free plan is included free in all the Zapier plans. The Pro plan is perfect for individuals who require more control over managing & moving their data. The Advanced plan is suitable for individuals who require more storage for their data.
Free | Pro | Advanced | |||||||
$0.00/month | $13.33/month | $66.67/month | |||||||
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Zapier offers the best and cheapest pricing of Interface Plans. Each plan is packed with unique features and is billed annually.
Free | Pro | Advanced | |||||||
$0.00/month | $13.33/month | $66.67/month | |||||||
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Get Started |
Zapier offers reasonable pricing Chatbots Plans. The Free plan is great for individuals, who are just trying out the AI chatbots. The pro plan is best for individuals who need to build an AI chatbot trained on their data. And, the Advanced plan is suitable for teams that need to build the AI chatbots trained on their data with a few limits.
Free | Pro | Advanced | |||||||
$0.00/month | $13.33/month | $66.67/month | |||||||
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Ramya K
Best Tool for Integrations
22 Oct 2024
Zapier is user-friendly. One of the best automation tools for integrations. Thanks for the excellent customer service.
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