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Tutor LMS VS Sensei


Tutor LMS

Tutor LMS is the most powerful WordPress LMS plugin. It allows you to build and maintain almost all types of LMS. It comes with po...

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Sensei is the WordPress learning management system plugin developed by Automattic, the makers of Jetpack,, and WooCo...

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Tutor LMS vs Sensei Features

    Tutor LMS

  • Frontend Drag and Drop Course Builder
  • Dashboard for Teachers & Students
  • Simple & Scalable LMS Solutions
  • Mobile Learning Feature
  • Gutenberg Compatible
  • Easy to Use and Manage
  • Top-notch UI and Security


  • Best-in-Class Courses
  • Works Great With Any WordPress Theme
  • Design With Ease
  • Provides Great Support
  • Translated into Any Language

Tutor LMS vs Sensei Plans Pricing

Tutor LMS Plans

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Sensei Plans

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    Top Alternatives

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    • SEOPress
    • WPtouch
    • WP Fusion